
Geplaats door: Costa ( )

  • 4B
  • 25/09
  • 8304

Krimpen (5) – Voorhuid (1) 20-09-09

Eeuwenlang was Voorhuid met haar bebouwing een speldenknop, een skid mark van een mier op de landkaart van Nederland. Feit is wel dat het dorp beschikte over een groot en weids bebost gebied. Het gebied was zeer schaars bewoond; het telde slechts aan paar honderd Voorhuidjes. Men leefde in kleine gemeenschappen in het bos en men droeg zelden kleding, als men al buiten de gemeeschap trad droeg men over het algemeen een groen gewaad met een blauwe kraag, hetgeen nu nog terug te zien is aan het tenue van Voorhuid. Binnen de gemeenschap heerste een naakt-cultuur, dit kan gezien worden als het begin van het moderne naturisme in Nederland. Deze stroming beter bekend als Freikörperkultur (vrije lichaamscultuur) of afgekort FKK is afkomstig uit Duitsland. MHC Voorhuid met FKK trekken is op 1 december 1992 door een vijftal hockey –en naturisme liefhebbers opgericht die het voor ogen hadden om in hun eigen gemeente lekker een balletje te slaan in adamskostuum. Dit gebeurde eerst op een voetbalveldje van de KTS (Kutten, Tieten en Snikkels???) waar een houten bouwkeet dienst deed als clubhuis. Later werd het eerste kunstgrasveld officieel in gebruik genomen en een jaar later het clubhuis. Op 2 september 2006 werd, na veel onderhandelen met de Gemeente over een pijpschot die de feestcommissie op het terrein wilde plaatsen voor deze festiviteiten, het 2e kunstgrasveld met een terdege blote ballen –en flamoezenborrel gevierd. Voor de foto’s verwijs ik jullie dan ook naar de website van MHC Voorhuid onder het kopje ‘Met je harige za,k boven kotsbak!’

Al bij mijn ontwaken werd het duidelijk: zondag 20 september werd een fraaie herfstdag met veel zon. Een mooie gelegenheid voor een goede hockeypot. De skid marks van Voorhuid, met het motto ik veeg niet, ik heb geleerd te leven met de skid mark, stonden klaar om onder het mes te gaan voor een circumcisie op Krimpen. Door slechte communicatie op de polikliniek van Krimpen werd deze treatment echter wat uitgesteld. Er was veel onenigheid over de uitvoering van de ingreep. Narcose of plaatselijke verdoving? 1,2 of meer injecties? De voorhuid losmaken en tot de vereiste lengte inkorten? De huid van de schacht van de pe-nis helemaal verwijderen? (de Afrikaanse manier), vrij diep inkerven zoals in Japan of de pe-nis zo diep insnijden dat deze op twee bundels zwellichamen gaat lijken zoals de Aboriginals dat deden? U snapt natuurlijk wel dat al deze verschillende manieren van besnijdenis eigenlijk van te voren uitvoerig besproken moeten worden en volgens het boekje in samenspraak met de tegenstander. Beide gevallen waren niet aan de orde, er gingen dan ook 10 min voorbij eer Dr. E. van Yperen daadkracht toonde en de eerste spuit erin ramde! (1-0). Injecties in plaatst van narcose dus! Natuurlijk zorgen dergelijke praktijken voor angst, onrust en tegenstribbelingen bij een patient die niet weet waar hij aan toe is en hoe zijn pe-nis er uiteindelijk uit zal zien. Waar anderen nog verbijsterd stonden van het enorme lef waarmee Dr. E van Yperen die naald erin stouwde, probeerden een aantal voorhuidjes met een snelle aanval te dans te ontspringen (1-1). Dr. Glibber voelde echter niks voor deze dans en gewapend met een volle spuit trachtte hij de tweede spuit erin te rammen, hij miste de zwellichamen echter volledig. Natuurlijk lopen er op de polikliniek van Krimpen ook oude rotten zoals Dr. M van der Sluis die een dergelijke klus wel kunnen klaren en dat met een vloeiende polsbeweging alsof hij de bor-sten van een mooie vrouw met een kwastje beroerd vlak voor de shoot van Playboy. Dr. M. van der Sluis gooide de spuit er als een dartpijl in, bullseye!!! (2-1) Al snel kwam Dr. L. van Etten voor de zekerheid er met twee spuiten overheen om die Voorhuid helemaal lam te leggen.(4-1)

Nu de Voorhuid lekker lam was, wat zeg ik! Van corona tot aan a-hole helemaal beurs, verdoofd en verschrompeld, konden in de tweede helft de messen op tafel en de operatie beginnen. Helaas was de operatie uiteindelijk minder spectaculair, de meeste wilden wel voor de aboriginal treatment gaan, maar de jonkies voorin in het vak hadden deze ingreep nog niet helemaal eigen gemaakt, de keuze viel dan ook voor de eerste ingreep. Dr. E. van Yperen mocht de operatie verder afhandelen en kortte Voorhuid tot een voorlopig gewenste lengte (5-1).

Verder is het verstanding voor de jongens van Voorhuid om het rustig aan te doen. Na het plassen dient u even het verband te verschonen, wij hebben hiertoe een recept voor verbandmateriaal meegegeven. U zult echter enkele dagen niet kunnen werken en normaal ondersteunende onderbroeken (geen boxershorts) te dragen en tevens gedurende 6 weken geen kontsessies te draaien. Na de ingreep kunt u enkele dagen een pijnlijk gevoel hoUden. Om deze te Bestrijden kunt u gewoon bier of andere alcoholische versnaperingen nemen. Soms treedt een wondgenezingsstoornis op in de vorm van infektie of abces. Indien de pijn steeds erger wordt, er pus of bloed uit de wond komt, de pe-nis steeds dikker wordt of u koorts krijgt boven 38,5oC moet u kontakt opnemen met uw uroloog. Bedankt voor uw bezoek aan Polikliniek Krimpen.

Hou hem stijf en kus op je knop!
Tot de volgende keer, Costa

Nog een aantal korte mededelingen:
Ten eerste, voor allen die lopen te bitchen over en bij wie het bloed spontaan uit de a-hole loopt van het gezang van de bondsscheidsrechters op zondag heb ik een nog een tip. Als je echt gewaar wil worden van de herfsttrek van kleine zangvogels rot daarvoor lekker op naar de kust op zondag. Vooral waar bosjes in open land staan, zoals de eendenkooien op de waddeneilanden, verzamelen zich overdag fitissen, tjiftjaffen en roodborsten. Ze zingen er vaak net zo druk en mooi als in het voorjaar.
Ten tweede, Cees van Velzen had al zeker 5 keer geroepen maar ik wil de liefhebbers er toch nog even voor een 6de keer op attenderen dat het bloemencorse dat in 2010 door het dorp trekt (in Voorhuid) plaats vindt op 24 april met als thema ‘In je blote Zijs door Europa!’


De stand in 4e klasse poule B bekijken!

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NoraerafVek | 05/11

Hi guys I am new here. I have found something very interesting. Can you save $500+ by Christmas? You can try and here's how.
Stop paying for things you don't use. If you have not set foot in the gym since your New Year's resolution, ditch it. Cancel the subscriptions for magazines and papers you don't read. You can also raise your deductibles for home and auto insurance. Conservatively, that's $50 a month.

BruileFleed | 30/10

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Neecenaiple | 29/10

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certainly plan on sticking around for as long as I am welcome and learn more from you huys.

ababbiguava | 24/10

Hi I’m new here. I am sorry if this this is the wrong place for this but I was wondering
If some one here on would be able to help me to choose the better choice. The forums here are absolutely great
and certainly plan on sticking around for as long as I am welcome.

NoraerafVek | 23/10

Hi friends I’m new here. I am sorry if this this is the wrong place
for this post but I was wondering If some one here on would be able to assist me to choose the better choice. The forums
here are absolutely cool and certainly plan on sticking around for as long as I am welcome. Hope to find new friends here.

ZegeAnnuani | 18/10

Hi I am new here. I am sorry if this this is the wrong place for this but I was wondering If some one here on this would be able to assist me to choose the right choice.

neabcreapse | 17/10

Hi I’m new here. I am sorry if this is not the right place for this post but I was hoping some one here on would be able to
assist me to choose the right one.

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addissigo | 30/09

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UGG BOOTS twk | 29/09

Many women love the UGG boots, there are comfortable, warm, elegant, stylish and practical. In the winter, these boots will keep feet extremely warm when the weather outside is cold.

When we decide to buy those boots, we will found there are so many choice, the style with Classic, Knit, Fashion and Weather, the material with sheepskin and cashmere. Here are the things to look out to help you make the decision.

1. The UGG Classic boots are always your first choice.

The Best selling and most popular boots are UGG5815, UGG5825 and UGG5803, those boots are the legendary "UGG Classic". The UGG Classic are endure look, there are popular for a long time, like classic pattern of Converse and Jean, these boots will be long remembered and never disappeared, no matter how times change.

2. Choose different boots in different season.

The UGG Classic Cardy is made by cashmere, it's fit for wearing in spring, other boots made by sheepskin are more warmer, They may be better for the cold winter. and the comfortable, easy-going knit boots are made of soft, breathable wool blend year round wear. Light weight outsole slot in sunny beach, to the street or ice stability, soft sheepskin offers a comfortable environment, in the summer and winter.

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The information on this site is for informational purposes only. I am in no way connected with UGG Australia and can not be help responsible for any purchases made on the basis of this information.

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nomoreaccidents | 23/04

Long time lurker, thought I would say hello! I really dont post much but thanks for the good times I have here. Love this place..

When I was hurt in that motorcycle accident my life would be changed for good. Unfortunately that driver had no car insurance and I was going to be in pain for ever.

This was not time for me to start and guess what to do. I had to find a good personal injury lawyer to help me get what I needed. After all, my family was counting on me.

How dreadful was it? I has bedridden for 9 months, I had to have constant care and my clinic bills went through the roof!

Thankfully, I found a good referral site to help me.

I will post more later this afternoon to tell you more about what I have been going through.

If you need an accident attorney try the guys at If you need an accident attorney try the guys at

nomoreaccidents | 21/04

Long time lurker, thought I would say hello! I really dont post much but thanks for the good times I have here. Love this place..

When I was hurt in that truck accident my life would be changed totally. Unfortunately that driver had no car insurance and I was going to be hurting for ever.

This was not time for me to start and guess what to do. I had to find a good accident lawyer to help me get what I needed. After all, my family was counting on me.

How dreadful was it? I has bedridden for 5 months, I had to have constant care and my hospital bills went through the roof!

Luckily, I found a good referral site to help me.

I will post more later this year to tell you more about what I have been going through.

If you need an personal injury lawyer try the guys at

sandy83 | 18/04

For You $$$ 2010: PayPal 6 Dollar Money-Making Method …
Turn $6 into $36,000 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you free of charge. Make money with PayPal for only $6 / Seen on Oprah and 20/20

As seen on OPRAH WINFREY and an article published in the Wall Street Journal. Here it is!! You can complete this whole process in less than one hour and you will never forget the day.....


You send $1.00 through PayPal to each of the emails stated in the article. You then place your own email address in the bottom of the list at No.6, and post the article in at least 200 Newsgroups. (There are thousands) I figured, what have I got to lose except $6.00, right? Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it. I found out that it follows the same regulations as the mailed chain letters, which according to the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) is indeed legal! Within 7 days, I started getting money in my PayPal account! I was shocked and excited! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $30.00. By the end second week I had made a total over $1,100.00! In the third week I had over $8,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $36,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly.

1) An Email address
2) A PayPal account (It's free to sign up for PayPal)
3) $6.00
You must have a verified PayPal account. If you do not have an account you can go to and follow the instructions to set up a free account. Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not just a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people. In order to place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PayPal (which may take a few days).

STEP 1: Sending PayPal money: Send, through PayPal, $1.00 to each email on the below list. To do this quickly and successfully, follow these simple steps:

1. Login to PayPal and click on the "Send Money" tab near the top of the screen;
2. In the "Recipient's Email" field enter the email address;
3. In the "Amount" field enter "1" (This is your $1.00 payment);
4. In the "Category" field select "Service" (Keeping it legal);
5. Click Continue;
6. In the "Subject" field type "EMAIL LIST", and in the "NOTE" field enter "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST". By doing this, you are creating a service and maintaining the legality of the system by "paying" for the service; and
7. Finally, click on the "Continue" button to complete the payment. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses. That's it!

New 2010 PayPal accounts to send $1.00 to:



STEP 2: Now take the 1st email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR email address (the one used on the PayPal account) as number 6 on the list.

STEP 3: Try to keep this article as close to original as pOssible. Now, post your amended article to at
least 200 newsgroups and message boards. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)
All you need is 200, but remember the more you post the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list! I've began to see money roll in before I even hit 100 posts, but try to hit around 200 to allow maximum exposure.

Use Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or whatever your internet browser is to search for various news groups, log on to any search engine like or and type in a subject like 'MILLIONAIRE MESSAGE BOARD', 'MONEY MAKING DISCUSSIONS', 'MONEY MAKING FORUMS', or 'BUSINESS MESSAGE BOARD', ‘PAYPAL 6 DOLLAR’, ‘OPRAH 6 DOLLAR PAYPAL METHOD’. You will find thousands and thousands of message boards. Click them one by one and you will find the option to post a new message. Fill in the subject which will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, and post the article with the NEW list of email addresses included.
When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated that at LEAST 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00),etc. through 6 levels of email addresses. For comprehension purposes, here is an easy viewing chart:
1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15
2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $225
3) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $3375
4) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $506255) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $759375
As you can see, your $6.00 has multiplied exponentially. What other opportunity that is as simple as this can cash in the way this can?!I'm not going to say this is going to make everyone over $800,000, but within a few WEEKS you begin to see results, thanks to the speed of the internet!
You will begin receiving money within days…HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!

Play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work!!
Good luck and happy money!!!!

(((Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating an Email List Service Business. If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws)))

twicrownetrok | 16/04

Please delete this message....

Jarredfaul | 01/04

hi everybody

I just thought it would be good to introduce myself to everyone!

Can't wait to get to know you all better!


Thanks again!

Impassanijalp | 29/03

Hi guys/gals,

This is the real thing $6 PayPal fast Cash in few Weeks
FAST CASH $6 PAYPAL as seen on OPRAH and 20/20

Since things went in the tanks with the recession, business has been slow and I have been paying my bills with income from working this system. I am going to show it to everyone I can since it was shown to me and it was invented to be shared amongst the struggling masses.

READ THIS, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS, PASS IT ON if you would like to make THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and make your financial dreams come true with only a $6 investment!

There is no limit on how much money you can receive, and you haven't got anything to lose with this Business program. It's simple and it's safe.

!!!!!!QUICK MONEY!!!!!! -- FAST CASH

At first I thought this was too good to be wrong I was!! I decided to give it a go, it was only 6 dollars, so why not? Well I was astounded!! Money has been, and still is, coming to my account. **Proven by various, highly respected U.S. TV and Radio programs as being 100% legal, feasible and true. ** Oprah Winfrey and ABC's investigation team 20/20 also proved it can be done.

This is all you need:

1) An email address
2) A Pay Pal account
3) Then POST, POST, POST..........

Ever since the internet became popular, the word "scam" has become a daily term. I have never once tried any moneymaking "system" outside of this because of that very reason. However, after reading reports on the validity and reputation of this money making system (seen on Oprah, CNN, and other media forums) I gave it a try. Only hours after implementing this exact system I just about fell out of my chair as money ACTUALLY started rolling in. I couldn't believe it and for that reason, I became a believer in this system.

There is a list of 6 email addresses (you'll see it as you read further). Each of these people has already taken part in this system. When someone new comes along (such as yourself) he/she removes #1 off of the list, moves the other five email addresses up one position (i.e. #6 goes to #5, #5 to #4, etc.), and adds their Pay Pal email address in the 6 position. This process is what develops the power of compounding. The bottom line is this... Honesty and Integrity creates Profitability. Following this EXACT process is what creates the money, and that is why this system has been raved about. Altering the system creates weak results. The legality of this system comes from the idea that you are of course creating a mailing list, and a "service" is being provided (more on that later.)


The first thing to do COPY, PASTE and SAVE this entire post in word or notepad on your computer so you can come back to it later. After that, if you are not already a Pay Pal user you need to go to the Pay Pal website at and SIGN UP. To receive credit card payments from other people you must sign up for a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (not just a PERSONAL account). This is highly recommended to allow others easy payment options. To place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PAYPAL (which may take a few days). PAYPAL is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.

Here is where the action occurs. Next send a $1.00 payment to each of the 6 email addresses on the current list from your Pay Pal account. To do this quickly and successfully, follow these simple steps:

1. Login to Pay Pal and click the "Send Money" tab near top of screen
2. In the "Recipient's Email" field type: the email address
3. In the "Amount" field type: "1" (your $1.00 payment)
4. In the "Category" field select: "Service" (Keeping it legal)
5. In the "subject" field type: "EMAIL LIST",
6. In the "message" field type: "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST". (By doing this, you are creating a service and maintaining the legality of the system by "paying" for the service.)
7. Finally, click on the "Continue" button to complete the payment.
8. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses.

That's it! (By sending the $1.00 payment to each address, you are implementing the compounding POWER of the system. You will reap what you sow!)

Here is the current e-mail list:
The email list:



Now take the 1 email off of the list that you see above (from your saved file), move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR email address (the one used for your Pay Pal account) as number 6 on the list. This is the only part of the document that should be changed. **Make sure to use the email address you registered with Pay Pal**

now post new file created in STEP 3 to at least 200 newsgroups or message boards. Keep in mind that there are tens of thousands of groups online! All you need is 200, but remember the more you post the more money you make as well as everyone else on the list!
Use Netscape, Internet Explorer, Fire fox, Safari, or whatever your internet browser is to search for various news groups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, on-line communities, etc.

For example? Log on to any search engine like or and type in a subject like 'MILLIONAIRE MESSAGE BOARD', MONEY MAKING DISCUSSIONS', 'MONEY MAKING FORUMS', or 'BUSINESS MESSAGE BOARD', etc. You will find thousands and thousands of message boards. Click them one by one and you will find the option to post a new message. Fill in the subject, which will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, and post the article with the NEW list of email addresses included. THAT'S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 60 seconds for each newsgroup.

When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated that at LEAST 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00), etc. through 6 levels of email addresses. For comprehension purposes, here is an easy viewing chart:

1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15
2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $225
3) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $3,375
4) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $50,625
5) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $75,9375

Within a few WEEKS you begin to see results, thanks to the speed of the internet! When your name is no longer on the list, take the latest posting in the newsgroups and begin the process again. Simply amazing...Follow the system as described, and enjoy your PROFITS!!!


Remember that most news servers will leave the posted messages on there servers for about 2 weeks. If you will post your message again, it WILL again start from the beginning. So you can repeat this over and over again. There are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try. Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users of the Internet, every day.
!!!!! REMEMBER!!!!! Follow every step, and IT WILL WORK!!!

Make Today A Great Day. Wish U Well, John...

baseballn1 | 14/03

Hi everyone, I just registered on this excellent community and wished to say gday! Have a magnificent day!

Glydayvaf | 04/03

Hi guys,

I know this might be a bit off topic but seeing that a bunch of you own websites, where would the Best place be to host. Someone recommended I use Blue Host for $6.95 a month which seems like a great deal. Anyone here on using them?

wykydtron | 27/02

Hi, as you may already discovered I'm new here.
In first steps it's really nice if somebody supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

Bush | 27/09


Leuk verslag... ik denk dat de Reefer een tot omzet heeft gedraaid en daarom nu gesloten is aangezien zij ineens 20 kilo ergens anders vandaan moesten halen!

Stay of drugs!

Scoopkeep | 25/09

vrije dag costa? sterk verhaal, maar gebruik minder

! | 25/09

More Less Sick in tha head! Maybe less maybe more, cause he smoked the crack today, yesterday and the day before!

COSTA, U R sick in tha Head GAST